A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 3: Spooks, Scientologists, Satanists, and The New Mind Wars

The Unveiling Deception: UFOs, Psyops, and the New World Order
The Rockefeller Disclosure Initiative and the Search for a New Enemy
The year 1992 marked a turning point. The Soviet Union dissolved, leaving a unipolar world order. NAFTA and the Maastricht Treaty eroded national sovereignty. George Bush Sr. openly proclaimed the New World Order. And Laurence Rockefeller, alongside his niece, Anna Bartley, founded the Disclosure Initiative.
This initiative had two primary goals: uniting American UFO research organizations and lobbying the Clinton Administration for document declassification. One key focus was the Roswell incident. Rockefeller believed revealing the "truth" about Roswell, whether extraterrestrial or not, would be a crucial first step in reversing decades of government denial and shaping public perception.
Billionaires, Intelligence Agencies, and the Rise of To The Stars Academy
Laurence Rockefeller wasn't alone. Billionaire Robert Bigelow, a major player in the privatized space race, also invested heavily in UFO research. His National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), alongside figures like Dr. Harold Puthoff and even controversial figures like Richard Doty, delved into UFOs, paranormal activity, and psychic phenomena.
Bigelow's influence extended to the Pentagon, where, with the help of Senator Harry Reid, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was born. This program became a focal point of recent Congressional hearings, fueled by whistleblower David Grusch's testimony.
Adding to the intrigue is To The Stars Academy, led by former Blink-182 frontman Tom Delonge and co-founded by Harold Puthoff. This organization, with connections to high-level intelligence officials, uses media to "elevate global consciousness" and prepare the public for UFO disclosure. The involvement of Puthoff, a high-ranking Scientologist with ties to the CIA's Stargate Project, raises questions about the true nature of this "disclosure" movement.
Scientology, Satanism, and the Manipulation of Belief
Scientology's esoteric cosmology, involving Thetans – alien entities inhabiting human bodies – and a galactic overlord named Xenu, bears a striking resemblance to other narratives circulating within the UFO community. This raises the disturbing question of whether these beliefs are being intentionally disseminated as part of a larger psychological operation.
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology's founder, associated with known Satanists like Jack Parsons. His son even claimed Hubbard believed himself to be the Antichrist. The convergence of these figures within the UFO disclosure movement casts a dark shadow over its purported aims.
The Rosicrucian Connection and the Rebranding of the Occult
J. Allen Hynek, initially a UFO skeptic, underwent a dramatic transformation, becoming a fervent believer and collaborating with Jacques Vallée to promote the idea of interdimensional extraterrestrials. Vallée, a close associate of Puthoff and Bigelow, also had connections to Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.
Both Hynek and Vallée were members of a secretive Rosicrucian order, a group with roots in occult traditions. Their work seems to rebrand traditional occult concepts, like demons and angels, as interdimensional aliens, blurring the lines between science fiction, religion, and the occult.
Mind Wars, the New Age, and the Militarization of Consciousness
Vallée and Puthoff's work at the Stanford Research Institute further legitimized paranormal research. Their collaboration with Uri Geller, who worked with the US military on "mind wars" programs, adds another layer of complexity to this narrative.
Figures like Colonel John Alexander and Michael Aquino (founder of the Temple of Set) advocated using parapsychology, psycho-kinesis, and other "non-kinetic" techniques in warfare. Their influence on military strategy and the intersection of these ideas with the UFO disclosure movement suggests a potential for manipulation on a grand scale.
The New Cold War and the Weaponization of UFO Narratives
The search for a new enemy to unite America has led some, like Joe Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, to point towards China and aliens. The recent surge in anti-China rhetoric, coupled with the heightened focus on UFOs, suggests a deliberate fusion of these two narratives.
This fusion is further amplified by groups like the Falun Gong, led by Master Li Hongzhi, who promotes a narrative of demonic alien influence and Chinese collusion. The Falun Gong's media arm, Epoch Times, actively disseminates this narrative, contributing to a climate of fear and suspicion.
The Strategic Relevance of Space and the Choice Between Open and Closed Systems
The post-1971 globalization project was designed to collapse, paving the way for a new world order. The systematic dismantling of NASA's long-term vision and the gutting of advanced scientific programs like fusion power research served this agenda.
While a renewed interest in space exploration is emerging in Eurasia, with China and Russia collaborating on lunar bases, the West seems trapped in a cycle of manufactured crises and psychological operations.
The future presents a stark choice: an open system of cooperation and progress, as envisioned by JFK, or a closed system of control and entropy, as promoted by advocates of the Great Reset. The direction we choose will determine the fate of generations to come.